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Thursday, 20 February 2014

Would you rather?

Hello my lovelies! I hope your day is going well so far! This post in particular never fails to make me laugh and so I thought that it would be fun to do and also fun for you guys to read!(hopefully) So there are loads of versions of this tag, such as the beauty edition, but I decided just to do a general version as it would be of more interest to a lot of you! Especially since my blog seems to be just a mish mash of random things so far!(I do love my blog though!) So basically how it works is I will get a selection of questions beginning with would you rather..and the rest is filled in, I then have to answer these questions and discuss my answer as many of you will be screaming at your screen in disagreement..or you will be just sitting there like normal people, who knows?

Since this is a morning post, grab your cup of tea and your comfiest pair of slippers or socks (personal preference) and I hope you enjoy todays post!

Ok so first question is: Would you rather only ever wear clothes that are too big or clothes that are too small?

This is tricky because I am so tiny so big clothes would just drown me but clothes that are too small would feel very restrictive and uncomfortable, you would also be more prone to food babies which is not good! ( food babies are when you look pregnant because you have eaten a lot but it can also be described as bloating) With bigger clothes I feel that the ability to be sexy would just be impossible but then food babies aren't all that attractive either! I suppose with bigger clothes you can always tie them to make them a bit more fitting or pair them with a belt! However, the idea of having seriously baggy trousers makes me cringe! Ugh no! But then you could always wear skirts or something or leggings! Can you even get leggings that are baggy?? I don't know but I think that I would have to choose clothes that are too big, just for the comfy factor!

Would you rather only eat junk food for the rest of your life or never eat junk food again?

Oh no! This is so difficult because I have a stash of chocolate and cakes and things in my room at all times but I am lucky in the sense that I have a really high metabolism! I don't know how I would survive without my Cadburys whole nut or my cherry bakewells!! But then I think only eating junk food for the rest of my life would cause health problems and I would rather have my health so I would probably have to go with never eating junk food ever again and eat fruit salads as a snack because I do quite enjoy my salads every once in a while, although I'm not sure how I would cope with having them all the time. I also think if I ate junk food for the rest of my life it would get extremely boring, I think chocolate tastes better as a treat when you haven't had it for a while as opposed to eating it all day every day! (I salute you if you have to live without chocolate!)

Would you rather have a reality show follow you for the rest of your life, or live restricted to your house?

As much as this sounds like I want fame and all that, I would have the reality show. Not for the fame or money or any of that stuff, I honestly would go insane being restricted to my house! I have one day off a week and that's a Sunday and unless I really do need a days rest, I hate it! I am the worst with cabin fever! I hate staying in my house doing nothing for even one day,never mind my entire life! That is one of the reasons I love my blog because now Sunday is blogging day! I take all my pictures for blog posts on Sundays and will certainly put up a post on Sundays! It gives me something to do! So I would have to choose the reality show because even though at times it would be hard having little privacy but to me I hate the idea of being house bound!

Would you rather make a blog post everyday or never make a blog post again?

Easily make a blog post every day! I love taking the pictures and writing the post itself is so much fun! Having my own little space on the internet where I can talk about whatever I want and talk about what I love is so therapeutic to me and if anyone is interested in what I have to say and can relate to my blog and if someone can gain happiness from reading it then that is a huge plus! As cringey as it sounds it makes me happy to make others happy! I don't think I could deal with never being able to write another post ever again, it would frustrate me! Even though I could still do a you tube, I love my blog as I can sit here in my pyjamas sometimes with no makeup on and just feel so happy talking about whatever I want to talk about and hoping that someone reads it and finds it interesting or enjoyable or inspiring! 

Would you rather wear lipstick as eyeliner or eyeliner as lipstick?

Umm I think I might have to go with eyeliner as lipstick! Purely because I often do a winged eyeliner and the thought of that line being red or orange or pink makes me want to just..ugh just the thought is an embarrassment in itself ! However, using eyeliner as lipstick would be easier to get away with, maybe I could just use a nude eyeliner and have it as a nude lip! See? So much easier!

Would you rather have to go to school for the rest of your life or never have gone to school in the first place?

I think I would choose to have never have gone to school in the first place and I fully support education, it is very important! However, My mum could just teach me the basic stuff like reading and writing and spelling ect. Plus, if I went to school for the rest of my life, I wouldn't be able to use the knowledge and qualifications because I would never progress to getting a job.

Would you rather eat 100 bars of chocolate or 100 lettuces?

I love both! My family always calls me a rabbit whenever I eat salad because I love lettuce however, like many women and girls out there I am addicted to chocolate! But then 100 bars of chocolate would make me feel incredibly ill and would taste horrid after a while whereas lettuce can begin to taste a bit like metal (if that makes sense to anyone) after a while and so that would taste rather odd too. Since lettuce won't make me feel so ill I will go with the 100 lettuces! (thank god these are not real life decisions!)

Would you rather take a selfie everyday for the rest of your life or never take a selfie again?

I guess I would have no choice but to take a selfie every day (I promise it is not for a vain reason) as how else am I supposed to run my blog with no selfies?! Anyways I could just take the selfie everyday and then delete it, nowhere did it say I had to put a selfie up everyday! Never taking a selfie again would just be too much like hard work! You couldn't take pictures at your birthday, your wedding, your prom! It would just be awful!

So those were just a few interesting 'would you rather' questions that I answered purely for your entertainment! I hope that you found this interesting and entertaining and if you are feeling rather generous then please do click the follow button near the top of the page! :) It would honestly make my day! All social links are near the top of the page or in my contact page! Have a go at a few of these questions yourself and let me know if you agree with my choices in the comments! Enjoy the rest of your day guys and I will see you tomorrow!

Charlotte x

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