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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

My first time!

Hello again! I have been thinking of what to do for today's post and this was just one of the ideas in my little book full of blogging ideas! (yes a bloggers life is that sad) But before you go thinking that this is all about the first time sexually then I can assure you that you are wrong, it is just a post to discuss the first of different things and after watching many peoples videos and reading many different posts, I have gathered a list of categories of which I will discuss my firsts of!

First word?

I am not all too sure what my first word was, I will have to ask my parents for that one. My Mum says it was 'Dada' so obviously I was a very original child, for sure no one else has that as their first word! (I will make sure that if I ever have a child, it's first word will be more interesting than Dada!)

First teddy?

This was my first teddy and he is holding up pretty well, I don't know too much of the story behind it but I know it was brought to me just after I was born so I have had him for a very long time. I don't think he had a name, he might have done but I can't remember it! (must have been really special)

 First friend?

First of all, excuse the state of us in this picture, we were on one of those school trips where you go away for a week with your year group. I am the one on the left and my best friend Becky is the one on the right. We were like twins growing up and we are still very close friends now! The teachers always, without fail, used to get us mixed up and I have no idea why because as you can see I had brown hair and Becky's is blonde! Aw we look so young in this picture! (excuse my hair, I had to do it myself for 5 days and I seemed to find that extremely difficult..)

She just might kill me for putting these on but these are just some photos from the same trip! It's amazing when you think back on all the memories (getting all soppy now haha)

First memory?

I can't remember how old I was here but I can vividly remember this holiday! It was at a Haven camp thing and me and my mums side of the family, along with my Dad of course, were at this house and I actually got over my fear of sand on this trip (yes when I was little I had a fear of sand..don't judge me) I remember this holiday was where I became obsessed with Rory the tiger and I won a badge for dancing so I was pleased as punch! Even back then, my favourite meal was spaghetti bolegnase and it still is to this day! I actually have it tonight for tea! (ironic!)

First school crush?

I must admit I liked quite a lot of boys in primary school but it was always just the 'popular' ones that every girl fancied but nothing would ever actually happen, I would hardly call it boyfriend and girlfriend! Anyway, i remember that what I would consider my first crush would be this boy in year 7 so I would have been about 11 or 12 and I am not going to say his name because that is really awkward but we ended up 'going out' for a while and we were only young so I wouldn't call it much as we thought we loved each other..gosh the things you say and do when you're a year 7! (cringe attack!) In year 7, everyone also used to have a 'top 5' which would be a list of boys ( or girls in a boys case) that you would fancy but you would rank them in order of how much you liked them from 1-5! It sounds so stupid now but everyone had one in year 7 and 8...we were a weird batch of kids!

First kiss?

My first kiss wasn't until year 7 so I when I was 11 or 12 and me and my 'boyfriend' at the time were kind of persuaded to do it by our friends, there were about 5 of them with us, and so we got taken to the place where apparently everyone kissed (a little odd tradition but hey ho) and it was so awkward now I think about it because we had 5 people there just watching and teachers kept walking past and it wasn't even a real kiss it was so quick and everyone was like "oh my god, was that it?!" Yeh it was so embarrassing and I can't quite believe I am telling you all this! haha.

First celebrity crush?

I don't know if I can remember my first celebrity crush, it was probably Zac Efron, I basically grew up in the high school musical phase, I actually went to see high school musical 3 when I was in year 6 with a boy and his dad..he then spilt apple juice all over me (yes it was as bad as it sounds) I don't know why we thought that would be a good day out but we did and I will never forget it!

First boyfriend?

I have kind of already talked about this one with first crush but basically my first 'boyfriend' was in year 7 and from what I can remember we were together until the end of the year or something like that and my friend dumped him for me, he wasn't all that bothered.

First job?

My first ever job was a dog walker! There was this lady who lived just at the top of my road and she found it difficult to walk so she used to pay me to walk her dog for her. Now I think back on it she was very generous! I used to get £20 a week for walking her dog every day for 10 minutes.

First concert?

My first concert I ever went to was when I was 14 and I went to see the wanted with 3 of my friends for one of the girls birthday! The Lawson were actually a support act there and we decided that we would buy their album when they got look at them!

First blog post?

My first blog post ever is not actually there anymore, I deleted it because everything about it was just terrible! The photo's were awful! The post was 'whats in my makeup bag?' and I had taken pictures of all of the products with this really harsh flash, against a wall so they had this massive shadow and I used brandless brushes, it was just terrible so I am thankful that it is no longer there! 

First youtuber you subscribed to?

I have been watching you tube for about 4 or 5 years now but the first person I ever subscribed to was Kandee Johnson! She is so bubbly and talented and sweet and I just loved her. Most of my basic knowledge about makeup comes from her and now I am such a makeup junkie, it's a little ridiculous!

First pet?

My first pet that I can remember was two guinea pigs, I had one and my brother had one! Mine was called Samantha and my brother named his Pingu! (don't ask why, even I have know idea!) I loved mine so much although I never used to hold it because I would get scared but she was adorable none the less! One day my Dad picked me up from school and said "Charlotte, I'm really sorry but Samantha has died" and I was so upset and worried, I rushed home only to find that it was Pingu that had died and not mine! However mine did die two days later and I was convinced it was of a broken heart! (I sound like such a weirdo in this post! haha)

So hopefully I haven't scared you away in this post with my strange memories and if you enjoyed it be sure to follow, it would mean the absolute world to me (honestly)! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you tomorrow!

Charlotte x

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