How exciting?! Prom is just around the corner for most of you (including me!) so I am here to give you some top tips on how to prepare for prom, especially in the week beforehand as it is crucial that you watch what your doing as it could make a huge difference to how you look on the day! Now you are all going to look beautiful regardless but prom is like a mini red carpet and you would certainly prepare for that right? I have some A-list tips on how to look that little bit more stunning on the big night and no there's no crazy diets involved at all! Gentlemen you have it so easy it's unreal so I'm directing this post towards the beautiful ladies although some of these tips you could definitely use too! So lets get right into it!
Who doesn't want flawless skin?! Especially on such an important night! I have soo many tips on how to get that radiant, Jennifer Aniston glowing skin so that you can be red carpet ready! Firstly, tone down the makeup! Yes ladies, I'm afraid it is minimal makeup for this week as your skin needs a chance to breath! If you have a blemish or two, resist covering your entire face with foundation! Spot treat it by only putting concealer where it's needed and don't use the same brush for everything as this will only spread the blemish across your face. Although don't cut down to no makeup at all! Of course, don't put makeup on if there is no need but if you go from wearing no makeup, to a tonne of makeup too quickly it can cause serious breakouts and will not bode well for your skin at all! Also make sure to take off your makeup correctly! Avoid using face wipes if possible as this doesn't thoroughly clean your face and makeup will still be left on your face even when you think it's all gone! Cleanse and exfoliate ladies! I recommend clean and clear deep cleansing lotion for sensitive skin, it is a turquoise solution. I have stuck by this product for 5 years now! Back when I was 11-12 years old, I had those annoying spots that never really come out on my forehead and it was quite bad and my mom brought home this and I put it on, next day I woke up and I saw drastic improvements! I couldn't believe it! Now I'm not guaranteeing anything as everyone's skin is different but not only does it dry out the spots and get rid of them, it is an oil fighting formula that also prevents spots! The only thing is do not put it anywhere near your eyes as it will burn a bit! It is very strong and your skin will feel a bit tight afterwards but it does a splendid job!

Get plenty of rest! If it is late right now, go to sleep!(after you are done reading this post! aha) Sleep is when you're skin has the chance to repair itself and just think what you look like in the morning if you are tired, bags under the eyes, red face, dull looking skin compared to the radiant look you're skin gets after a lot of rest! Oh and NEVER wear you're makeup to bed ladies! I can confidently say that I have never gone to sleep with my makeup on! Ever! It's not good for your skin at all!! I cannot stress to you how important this is in having your skin look picture perfect!
Watch what you eat! No this is not a diet, but just make smarter choices as to what you consume because as the saying goes you are what you eat! If you eat a greasy takeaway for instance, do you really expect your skin to be crystal clear after and look beautiful and glowing? No way. The grease in food will come out in your skin and reek havoc on your pores which can only mean one thing..yup you guessed it! Breakouts! Which is the last thing you need for prom! Instead of snacking on crisps, snack on carrot sticks (no you'll be surprised at how addictive they are!) This has nothing to do with losing weight or anything like that, it is just to do with ensuring that you're skin is healthy and ready for the flash of the cameras! And if you are sitting there feeling guilty after indulging in a takeaway, no worries! Just grab yourself a glass, a slice of lemon and some water and you are good to go!
Lemon water isn't the best drink in the world (I personally hate the taste but..) but it works wonders! This stuff is a miracle worker! It is a fantastic detox so all that gross food you've just consumed can be put to one side and forgotten about! Fab isn't it?! Lemon water is also amazing for your skin! So bottoms up guys!
Also just drink as much water as you can in general! It works wonders for your hair, your skin , your health and it also fills you up! I am not saying just drink water and don't eat by the way, that is absurd! No drink plenty of water and your skin should take care of itself from there :)

Face masks are a godsend for events such as this! Although some I would recommend using a week or so prior to the event if they are correcting masks as they can bring out spots at first and then get rid of them. However, the mask I will be using is a heated chocolate orange mask which I have tried before and it is divine! You leave it on for 10-15 minutes and it slowly warms up on your skin, giving the most relaxing feeling ever! It doesn't dry so when you wash it off it should be relatively easy to remove. After you have washed it off it gives the most radiant, healthy glow to your skin and you'll look and feel a million dollars! I will be using this mask on the morning of my prom so that my skin looks the best it possibly can!

Now if you have any serious spots now that you need to get rid of and fast, use toothpaste!! It speeds up the process like you wouldn't believe! It basically dries out your spot so that it is sterile and be warned it may form a head but this will fall off quite quickly and the spot will then disappear in a matter of days! All it does is speed up what would usually take about a week or two and condenses it into a couple days!
You could be the most beautiful woman in the world in a Valentino dress and Guisseppe heels, but what does all that matter if when you smile you reveal yellow, stained caveman teeth? Every celebrity you see on the red carpet will have flawless pearly whites and yes they may be fake but who cares?! Fake it 'till you make it right?! You can whiten you're teeth with whitening kits that are available in pretty much any cosmetic store such as Boots, Superdrug or Bodycare if you live in the UK and I'm sure places like Sephora and Wallmart in the USA do them too. They will range in price depending on where you go but it will be worth it! You can also always order them online!
If you want a quick fix, use makeup to your advantage! Certain pinks and a blue toned red lipstick will instantly make your teeth look shades lighter instantly! If you're not a lipstick kind of girl, make sure to turn up the bronzer! Yes bronzer! We are all going to be wearing bronzer but I do not mean use it as a face powder or something! The warmer you're complexion, the whiter you're teeth will look so use just a little more bronzer than you usually would.
ruby woo by Mac
Sleek face contour kit in light
Practise posing!
Now it is guaranteed to going to have to pose for hundreds of photos so make it count! Prepare as if you were going to a red carpet, take your camera and experiment! First try to find your angles and find your best side and whether you're face looks better straight on or slightly to the side. Then my technique is hold your phone with front camera on but don't look at it yet! Look somewhere as if someone where taking a photo of you, then hold that face and turn to your phone and see what it looks like, it probably won't look as good at first as you first thought. Often the poses that feel most awkward and a little bit odd actually turn out looking fantastic so give it a go and just have a play with it. It's better you make mistakes now than on the night!!
Your outfit!
Probably the most important part in all of this! Put on your dress and your heels, grab your bag and get in front of a mirror, similar to learning the angles of your face you want to learn the angles of your dress too! Does it look better with your arm on your hip, tilted to the side, straight on, I will get a post up if I can later this week on posing in your dress and what I think works best and the pose a lot of celebrities use! You want to get a good feel of your dress, how do you sit, how do you walk in it, how will you get in and out the car, ect. Obviously someone in a slim dress will do things differently to those in puffy dresses and if you're dress is corseted, you have to take that into consideration. Also ladies don't forget to wear your shoes in! The last thing you want is your prom shoes to be murdering you on the night and having to sit in a corner because it's too painful to dance.
This has been a super long blog post so I do apologise but I really do hope that it has been helpful in some way. I am super excited for Prom and if you have any Prom tips that I've missed feel free to leave them below, along with all of your blog post links on your prom! Will check them all out, will be so much fun to see everyone in their beautiful gowns, I am sure that every single one of you reading this will look absolutely stunning! Personally my prom is this Thursday the 26th June 2014! I hope you all have an incredible time and all of my links are at the top of my page on the right and also on my contact page if you guys want to keep tabs on how my prom went :) Leave a comment if you enjoyed this post as I love hearing from you! It honestly makes my day to talk to you all!
Good Luck!
See you soon
Charlotte x